Red Stapler Day

Update–the 2nd annual Red Stapler Day will take place June, 7th, 2010.

The first annual Red Stapler Day will take place June 1st, 2009.  What is this holiday all about?  Red Stapler Day is a holiday honor all those out there who hate their jobs (even if only a little).  How do you celebrate Red Stapler Day?  Simply display your Red Stapler at your place of work.  Please send me your pictures of your collection of red staplers at rutgerskevin @  I will post all pictures here.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Red Stapler Day”

Q:  Why is it called Red Stapler Day

A:  Watch the movie Office Space–at least twice

Q:  Do I have to buy a Red Stapler to participate?

A:  Absolutely not, you can use paint or nail polish to turn all your staplers into red staplers.

Q:  Why is this holiday celebrate on June 1st.

A:  Actually, this holiday will be celebrated on the first Monday after Memorial Day.

Q:  Why was Red Stapler Day created?

A:  This holiday was created as a way for millions to voice their opposition to their jobs and to protest layoffs.

Q:  What is the significance of this time of year?

A:  Unless you are a teacher, the first Monday after Memorial Day was picked because it is the start of summer and reminds us that we will probably never get a summer off again.

Q:  Are teachers allowed to participate in Red Stapler Day?

A:  Yes, teachers have plenty of reasons to hate their jobs and will not be left out of this new holiday.

Q:  Do I have to completely hate my job to participate in Red Stapler Day?

A:  Nope, whatever your degree of job hatred, you are welcome to celebrate.

Q:  If I am unemployed, can I celebrate Red Stapler Day?

A:   Yes, just put your Red Stapler in your window.

Q: Do you think you will get fired for starting this holiday?

A: That is certainly a possibility :)

Q: Do you have any type of political goals for this holiday.

A: Nope. My only goals are to have as much fun with this as possible. I think it would be great if this really takes off.

Q: How can I support Red Stapler Day?

A: Obviously, if you buy a Red Stapler from this site, you are helping promote the future promotion of this holiday. You can also copy the code below and put it on your website or blog to further the Red Stapler Day cause. Lastly, Stumbles, Diggs, Propellers, and other social networking submissions will help as well.

Let all Bloggers unite and stop allowing Greeting Card Companies decide on new holidays. Let’s make the next holiday blogger driven!!!!

12 Responses to Red Stapler Day

  1. lindsay says:

    This is really AWESOME.. Too bad i actually like my job.. I work for myself, cant get much bette rthan that! You should add a prize for the most unique presentation of their red stapler! That would be fun.

    Well, i am DEFINITELY stumbling this!

  2. I think it’s horrible for a teacher to hate his/her job. It’s a tough job, yes, but if you hate it, then you shouldn’t be a teacher. Education is sub-standard these days as it is, and if you have teachers who don’t have their whole heart into it and love their jobs, they’re doing a disservice to the kids.

  3. The Hawg! says:

    Oh. Hell. Yes.

    Few people hate their jobs more than I do. I will attempt to take part (unless the good Lord answers my prayers and I find a better job in this rotten economy, of course).

    Great idea!

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  6. lunaticg says:

    Love your idea my friend but since economy ain’t that good nowadays, I need to love my job to feel happy in my everyday work.
    Will join your movement when I feel less happy about my job.
    Until next time. See you around.

  7. Landrover says:

    @Kikit I do agree with you, they should be a yellow stapler for those of us who love our jobs. Why dont you start a post on your blog for that?

  8. Pingback: A New Holiday | The Red Stapler Chronicles

  9. George Serradinho says:

    Wow, this is something new to me. Sounds like an interesting holiday. I will have to see if I participate as the world is kinda messed now and I don’t really want to lose my job.

  10. Find a job says:

    Found this just in time. Glad I didn’t miss it. It is a sensitive topic though these days. Hate your job or not one should be glad to have one. I talk to many each day who don’t.


  11. Living Homeless says:

    I did it, my pic should be in the e-mail. Although if my boss finds out I’ll be outside living homeless for sure. He’s such a jerk.

  12. Stacey says:

    I think a person should be required to watch “Office Space” before being allowed to post an opinion here.
    I don’t hate my job either, but I hate a lot of the paper pushing politics involved in it and my Red stapler is my reminder not to take it all TOO seriously.

    I love this holiday idea! Those of you expecting the Yellow stapler thing… Start your OWN blog and see how may joiners you get :(

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