
2 Responses to Blogroll

  1. globalenfant says:

    I just found your site and love it! I have been making a little with adsense but lack the traffic to make anything substantial. Like your money making ideas. Thanks!

  2. Andrew Wang says:

    How’s it going? I was wondering if you’d be open to a guest post on your website? The first one would be free. If you like my work, perhaps we can discuss something on a regular basis. You’d retain editorial rights. The article would be high quality, unique, interesting to your visitors, and contain a few links to my websites.

    You would save time from producing the content yourself and might get new visitors to your blog. Who knows Google might even give you a tiny bump in SEO.

    Basically there’s no downside for you. All you have to say is yes for me to start.

    Andrew Wang

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