The November TPS Report

If you don’t know what a TPS report is, you really need to see the movie Office Space. Starting now, every month I will post a TPS report that shares what is working on this blog and what is not.

The positives:

1. I currently have over $200 pending in my Logical Media account. I have Logical media ads on my sidebars and have devoted pages to them as well. For instance, if you type in POM clear in a google search, my POM Clear Page shows up in the 3rd position. When someone requests their free trial, I am paid $26.

2. After a VERY slow start, I have made over 50 sales on Amazon. Most of these sales have been small and Obama related (Check out my pages on the right sidebar for examples). However, today I just sold my first digital camera. I am going to spend the rest of my blogging day adding more amazon pages to prepare for Cyber Monday. Maybe I could sell a couple of flat screen tv’s.

3. I won a contest at Mr. Javo’s blog in which I got a free copy of OIO publisher. I have been playing around with it today and feel confident it will generate some extra revenue for me. If it does perform, I will ditch the Performancing Ads (even though I have made about $20 there).

Now for the Negatives:

1. My GPT referral earnings CashCrate and Treasure Trooper) have all but dried up. I am just not generating any new referrals via this blog.

2. Even though my real traffic continues to grow, my Alexa ranking is not “lowering” accordingly. I have read that many bloggers are experienced similar frustrations with Alexa, but this is still annoying for ad sales.

3. My post frequency has been down. Unfortunately, this might be an ongoing trend until after the holidays are over. Working in retail, this is my busiest time of the year and I even start 6 day work weeks next week.

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6 Responses to The November TPS Report

  1. Ed Hardy says:

    Nice report. Although you forgot your cover sheet. Did you get the memo? I can send you another copy if you need it.

  2. Amiee says:

    I’ve never heard about TPS report before. I’ll be waiting for your TPS report.

  3. Tom says:

    there’s so many ads on your website, that I don’t know which of them to click ;)

  4. Wow congratz dude….sounds like your blog is really taking off…P.S…Office Space is a classic…

    Keg of Wisdoms last blog post..Mr. Movie Time: Twilight

  5. Ed Hardy says:

    @ actuary:
    I saw office space when I was in high school, and it just reconfirmed the sick feeling of being in an environment that just about everyone has to go through in their lives at some point. I am trying to shorten my duration.

  6. From Wikipedia……

    * TPS report has come to denote pointless mindless paperwork after its use in the comedy film Office Space. In the story, a primary character is reprimanded by several of his superiors for forgetting to put the new cover sheet on his TPS report.
    * Episode 543 of fantasy webcomic Order of the Stick is referring to Office Space as evil goblin character Redcloak complains about the missing new cover sheets of the TPS reports of his hobgoblin minion.
    * Mentioned in a line of dialogue from the series Lost in the season one episode entitled “Walkabout.” In a flashback sequence, Locke is reminded by his boss that he needs to submit his TPS reports by noon.
    * In the “Terry’s World” episode of Terry Tate: Office Linebacker, Terry tackles a coworker for failing to put a cover sheet on a TPS report.
    * Mentioned in the episode “High” in the fourth season of Rescue Me. Janet hands in TPS reports at the office she is now working in.
    * Seen in the background of a “team-building” video of the episode “Isla de Chupacabra” of Sealab 2021.
    * Mentioned in the animated series King of the Hill (“The Redneck on Rainy Street”) when Kahn is speaking with his boss.
    * Mentioned in the book and film Fight Club

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