Who Won the Debate–Obama or McCain?

Nope, I am not going to tell you who I think won the debate. I urge you to decide that on your own and not let some television commentator or reporter brain wash you into agreeing with their opinions. Instead, this is an experiment to see how high in a google search for the term “who won the debate” I can get by creating this post. So if you think Obama won the debate, buy an Obama product and if you think McCain won the debate, buy a McCain product :)

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3 Responses to Who Won the Debate–Obama or McCain?

  1. Obama girl says:

    obama is the best.
    and only he can change the usa and world.
    i believe him.

  2. William (Data Supplier) says:

    Obama won that depate…..he will be the next President of the United States……… : )

  3. CarpetGuy says:

    I feel for all of us if enough people believe that line from Obama, if you pay taxes now, they will go up, nothing is FREE, and about all that Obama can do is make a bigger mess!

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